About us

The most valuable resource of our company is the expertise of our colleagues. Besides their several years of experience and professional qualification their human qualities guarantee the excellent quality transaction of our projects.



Name Qualification Scope of duties Contact
Tamás Csepregi mechanical engineer director, project manager  00 36 70 452 11 01, csepregi.tamas@hoope.hu
József László mechanical engineer, engineer-econimist director, project manager  00 36 70 452 11 00,   laszlo.jozsef@hoope.hu
Zsuzsanna Balázs logistics project coordinator support@hoope.hu
Éva Veres mechanical engineer quality assurance support@hoope.hu
Mihály Pogácsás civil engineer technology support@hoope.hu
Antal László mechanical engineer technology,  project manager support@hoope.hu
Mária Volosinovszki university project coordinator support@hoope.hu
Elemér Veres mechanical engineer planning support@hoope.hu
István Csepregi material engineer anyagvizsgálat,  project manager support@hoope.hu

